

For more detailed information about DAS Dermo Ablation Surgery complete the form below or drop us an e-mail at info@technolux.it.

Or reach us Monday through Friday, 9am-1pm and 2pm-6pm,
at +39 0245409570, we will be glad to provide you with additional details about our plasma and endodermic radiofrequency technologies.

Via Privata Punta Licosa 19, 20156 Milano – Italy
Tel. +39 0245409570

Fax. + 39 02 36504400
Email: info@technolux.it

Website: www.technolux.it

Company Data:
P.I. 05130880965
N. subscription / REA MI – 1798650
Share Capital 20.000 i.v.
Company Status: Technolux s.r.l.